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Mercy Ministries

As Christians, God has called us to express His love for the world around us. We serve our communities by seeking ways of caring and working towards a just and fair society. We seek to assist and care for everyone regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion. We believe that we must also address the emotional and physical needs in the communities we serve. We have therefore developed a ministry called Mercy Ministries, with the aim to meeting practical needs of the needy. We believe in creating opportunities and places where individuals in the community can belong, contribute, and thrive. We embrace a culture where core values such as hope, inspiration, compassion and trust are at the centre of all that we do.

Working Against Debts

Where do people turn to when their finances are in meltdown? It is time to act. This project is transforming lives and working to end poverty in our communities. We can help people to be free from debt. We can turn people’s debts mountain into a molehill. We help people take control of their financial situation. We do this without judging them. We believe that everyone should be treated as an individual and with dignity. All people, irrespective of their backgrounds, should be able to live in freedom and have equal opportunities.


How does WAD work?

WAD provides comprehensive support to individuals who find themselves burdened with debts. We provide series of services:

We give debt advice. We ask individuals about their current situation and circumstances so we can know the best way to assist them. 


We give individuals a plan to deal with their debts. We make sure that the advice we give is based on the individual’s circumstances. We can work with individuals to formulate a budget which suits their circumstances and current situations. We give them guidance and recommend the best debt solution for them. But the choice is always theirs because they are treated as individuals and their choices are respected.


We do not pay off debt. Under extraordinary circumstances we help with money. Any money we give out is called ‘love gift.’ Recipients do not have to pay back the money we donate to them. Our main purpose, however, is to help individuals become debt free every year. There is a wide range of debt solutions tailored for individuals to choose from. Some people want to pay what they owe with payments they can afford; others want to write off their debts, others need breathing period to pay off their debts. We have expert advisers who can help individuals in these circumstances. WAD’s group services benefit many who may have otherwise, not shared their situation with family or friends.

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Who Is WAD for?

Most of our clients find themselves in debt through circumstances connected to unemployment
or redundancy, ill-health, bereavement, relationship breakdown and lack of basic budgeting.
These people may not be reckless spenders as have always been the assumption of some in the
society. WAD is open to anyone in the community who needs support in the following areas:

  • Individual Voluntary Arrangement

  • Debt Management Plan

  • Mortgage Advice

  • Breathing Space

  • Debt relief

  • Bankruptcy

  • Equity release

  • Debt Arrangement Scheme.

We advise against ‘loan sharks.’ We provide advice on how to identify loan shark. A loan shark

  • Offers you a cash but do not give you paperwork.

  • Takes your bank card or passport as security on the loan.

  • Does not tell you when you will finish paying your debts.

  • Increases the amount you owe even if you are making regular payments.

  • Threatens you with violence to get money you owe them.


Where does WAD work?

Currently, in Sandwell Metropolitan area. As we receive funding, we will hopefully extend our
activities to cover the entire West Midlands. We want to encourage other churches and charities
to use WAD to help their communities.

Group Services

Job Clubs
A WAD Job Club is a friendly place where you will get practical help and gain the tools you need
to find employment.

Life Skills
Learn practical money saving techniques like cooking on a budget and making money go further.

WAD Money Course
A free course to teach budgeting skills and how to manage your money for a few weeks, learn
how to budget, save, and prevent debt.

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